SAFT in numbers

  • 55 kerken
  • 7 kerkhoven
  • 2 klokkenstoelen
  • 300 vrijwilligers
  • 4200 donateurs
  • 250 evenementen

Old churches in the landscape of Friesland

Old churches determine the skyline of the landscape of Friesland. Nowhere else in Europe can you find as many churches from the late Middle Ages as in the north of the Netherlands. Riches well worth preserving.

An increasing number of church buildings is losing its original purpose. De Stichting Alde Fryske Tsjerken (The Old Frisian Churches Foundation) wants to prevent them from disappearing. It achieves this goal by taking over ownership of monumental churches in special cases.


  • Blessum blij: Mariakerk wordt dorpshuiskamer
  • Het legaat van Gerben en Sjoukje
  • Opening Baken Het Ziltepad: Peter Vink
  • Tsjerkepaad exposities 2024


  • Tsjerkepaad Johanneskerk Britsum
    27 07 24
  • Tsjerkepaad Mariakerk
    27 07 24
  • Tsjerkepaad 2024 Harich
    27 07 24
  • Tsjerkepaad
    27 07 24